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Pool Party

Pool Party (11-14yr) Photos to Scrapbook




Pool Party


Jessalyne in Winnipeg,MB Canada


July 2006



Pool/Sleepover Party 11-14 yr.old  Well, just last Saturday, I had a pool/sleepover party.It was fun!!

INVITATIONS:My dad made invitations on the computer. My mom took a picture of me in a bathing suit and another one of me in my pajama's.They put those on the invitations, me facing back to back.It included info about the party. I told them to bring a pillow without a case, pj's, their pool items, and their own sleeping bag.

FOOD:I served hot dogs, spaghetti,coke and juice.

ACTIVITIES:While waiting for guests to arrive, I entertained the other guests by sitting on the deck chatting and playing on the laptop.When all the guests arrived, we got dressed and headed for the pool.

The swimming started at about 11:30 and lasted up to 1:30.We played in the pool by racing, playing marco polo etc.After the swim, we went inside and got dressed.

Then I gave out the treat bags(Well instead of bags, we used small boxes).We included a donut floatie shaped cardbord that said "thanks for coming!" and my picture in the center, some candies and a small kit that included a white pillow case, crayola fabric markers, fabric glue and some decorations.

My mom took out her digital camera out and we took pictures at the pool, and local park. Then we went to Costco and develpoed our pictures.Since it took up to an hour we walked around. We bought a scrapbooking kit.

Then we headed over to blockbuster and rented a scary movies.We went back home and it was about 4:00.We took the pictures and put them into the scrapbook.Then when we were done at 5:15, we decorated the pillow cases until 6:00.Then we ate again.

Then we went into my room and I open my small closet.I showed them my big collection of girl magazines like twist, j-14,m and lots more. I had about 23 in total.We read then and then at about 9:30 we got dressed in our pj's and went to the family room and got our sleeping bags ready.

I have a sectional couch so we all fit into it.My mom got the dvd ready and turned the all the lights out.I gave everyone a flashlight.

When the movie was done I called my mom to turn it off,She turned the t.v off cause she didn' want us staying up too late, but we stayed up.We turned it on when we knew she was asleep.

The party was great!!!

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